
Grade 8 Program

Welcome to the Brentwood Grade 8 Program website!

The purpose of this site is to provide a single place for students and parents in the program to keep informed of program happenings. 

Current information will be updated routinely.


Ms. Ramundi and Ms. Waugh

Grade 8 Program AWARDS

Grade 8 students can earn colours in Academics, Sports, and Arts


To earn Academic colours, students must earn Proficient-High or Extending and Learning Skills Assessments of Often or Habitually in each of these five courses every term: 


To earn Sports colours, students must participate in at least one sport each term, compete on at least two A-team sports over the school year, and earn Proficient-High or Extending in PE every term. In addition, students must achieve Often or Habitually in their Learning Skills Assessments for both PE and their sports every term. 


To earn Arts colours, in addition to their regular rotation (Musical, 2-D Arts, and Music), students must participate in at least one Arts elective each term, earn Proficient-High or Extending in their regular rotation classes and Learning Skills Assessments of Often or Habitually in all Arts classes all terms. 


A subject award is given to a student who embodies excellence, grit, and joy in each of these subject areas:

school supplies

Each Grade 8 Program student will require the following supplies: 

Please ensure supplies have an easy-to-read, hard-to-remove name label. 

Note that the school store has competitively priced school supplies. 

arts and athletics: extracurricular offerings

The Grade 8 Program is a complete program that includes both arts and athletics. However, if your child would like to become more involved, there are extracurricular offerings in athletics and arts for the 8s. 

We encourage our 8s to participate in these extra offerings for several reasons. First, students can withdraw from these extracurricular arts or athletics if they find the time commitment too demanding. Second, 8s receive the same instruction and opportunity as the older students, and their participation in the extracurricular activity is noted on their report card by comment, but they do not receive a letter grade or score for the course; there is no 'penalty' for trying something new. Finally, it is a wonderful opportunity to build their relationships in the broader Brentwood community. 

At the same time, while it really is an excellent opportunity to try something new, it is okay not to participate in these extras! Some students have commitments outside of school that are also important, some students need more 'down time' than others, and some students need more time to manage the demands of an already busy Grade 8 Program. 

If students wish to register for extracurricular arts and/or athletics, please review the tentative options below and be prepared to engage in a conversation with Ms. Ramundi and Ms. Waugh on the first day of classes. By that time, we will know accurately which extracurricular art and athletic opportunities will be available to the 8s, and we will support the 8s in signing up for those activities. 

grade 8 advisors

Brentwood uses an Advisor program as one important way to ensure all students have a strong connection and continuous support from an adult in the Brentwood community. In the 9 - 12 school, those adults are teachers or house parents or RFAs (Resident Faculty Assistants). In our Grade 8 Program, Ms. Ramundi and Ms. Waugh are the Advisors for all Grade 8 students. 

As Advisors, we are the main contacts at the school for parents. We are the go-to adults for your children at all times. We guide, support and advocate for your children. We care for and want the best for your children. 

Please use the contact information on the Contacts page of this website to touch base with Ms. Waugh and/or Ms. Ramundi at any time. We want to hear from you regarding any question or concern, no matter how big or small. We will contact you regularly with updates as well. 

Together, through good communication, we can help your children have a wonderful year. 

student cards

Students will receive their Brentwood student cards near the end of September. The student card has two main purposes: printing and purchasing on campus. 

Printing is free. Students can print to any printer on the Brentwood campus, including the printer we have in the Grade 8 classroom. The student card is used to log in to the printer and activate the printing job. 

Purchasing is done on campus at the school store and at McNeill's snack bar. Students load their student card with funds at the school store, and then use their student card to purchase items at the school store and at McNeill's. 

It is important for parents to realize that students are self-directed when loading their card with funds at the school store. Student accounts are charged for the amount that students load onto their card. A conversation between student and parents regarding the use of the student card for purchasing is recommended.  

Health, homework, and TUTORIAL

Brentwood is a busy place, and students go hard academically, artistically and academically each and every day in the Grade 8 Program. Moreover, most students participate in extracurricular Arts and Athletics, which makes for an even longer day. Still, there will be homework, and gradually there will be more homework as the year progresses. To begin the year, we will go slow and steady as we set expectations and routines. 

Importantly, we want to ensure students make health a priority by getting home for a rest and a good sleep each night. We also expect students to stay home to rest and not share their bug when they are sick. Further, while we expect students to be organized and submit assignments on time, we also know that all students have different responsibilities and activities outside of school, work at different rates, and have strengths in certain areas of learning and challenges in other areas of learning. For all of those reasons, it is very difficult to find an amount of homework that is best for each student. 

As teachers, we check in with all students each day to understand how students are doing and to adjust the work load for the class and/or for individuals as necessary. Students who are overwhelmed are encouraged to communicate with teachers in class or by email if they need extra support or more time. Tutorial times each day are excellent opportunities for students to receive extra support from their teachers. If necessary, and through consultation with parents, tutorial can be mandatory for students who require extra support. 


To begin the year, students will have routine homework responsibilities such as these: 

smart casual?

Some days require "smart casual" dress, yet smart casual is hard to define! 

Here are YES/NO lists that I hope will help guide students. Also, students can dress above this dress level (e.g. school uniform).  




Some days require "casual" dress, yet casual is hard to define! 

Here are YES/NO lists that I hope will help guide students. Also, students can dress above this level if they choose (e.g. school uniform, or smart casual). 



school holidays

School holidays and breaks are the same for the 8s as for the 9-12s.  Please refer to this link on the school website for dates: .  Note that the Weekly Schedule page on this site will be up-to-date at least a month in advance as well.

Bus interest

The Transportation Department should have reached out to you to see if you were interested in having your child take the Duncan or Langford day bus to and from school this year. This service does have an additional cost. 

dismissal and care policy

The safety of each student is paramount. Brentwood assumes custody of care while students are in attendance and must account for students at all times through thoughtful supervision and explicit expectations regarding student location on campus. Please note that Grade 8 Program students are dismissed at the end of the academic school day (M/W/F at 3:00pm; T/Th at 2pm) and that custody of care is assumed by parents or guardians at dismissal time

Brentwood will continue to provide custody of care beyond dismissal time for arts, sports, or study time in the Grade 8 classroom

day student meal policy

Each day the Grade 8s are provided with a nutrition break (some sort of snack) and lunch. As our day commences after breakfast and finishes before dinner, we cannot invite day student Grade 8s to breakfast or dinner. 

There is an exception to that general policy: if your child is involved in a Brentwood activity that goes over breakfast or dinner, such as a sports team that is eating together, they are more than welcome to stay for those meals. 

Students are also encouraged to bring their own healthy snacks for a nutrition break scheduled specifically for the Grade 8 Program earlier in the day, and for the afternoon according to each student's own schedule of activity. 

Water bottles on student desks are encouraged. We keep fresh water in a dispenser in the classroom for refills throughout the day. 

cellular phone policy

We stress the importance of appropriate use of cell phones and other technologies in the Grade 8 Program. Cell phones are sometimes used for assignments because they can be a powerful tool for learning when used purposefully. At the same time, cell phones can be distracting and difficult for young people to manage and use wisely. 

To meet broader Grade 8 Program goals of collaboration and social development, and to support students in the development of purposeful and safe cell phone use,  all students will hand in their cell phones at the start of the academic day. Phones will be stored safely in the classroom and returned to students when they are required for a learning activity and upon dismissal at the end of the day. 

If you need to get in touch with your child during the course of the day, please email Ms. Ramundi and/or Ms. Waugh. If there is an emergency situation, please contact reception by phone: 250-743-5521.

absences due to illness or appointments

If your child is going to be away, please inform both Ms. Waugh  <> and Ms. Ramundi < > as soon as you are aware they will be absent.